If mediation were a form of music, it could be jazz.
It’s not that the performance of jazz doesn’t have parameters (of sorts, & loose though they may be). A jazz gig, like any other, involves setting a date & venue, agreeing who’s going to play & having an idea (albeit not cast in stone) of what the set might look & sound like. All sound, practical decisions to make in the planning.
But what freedom jazz offers, when it comes to the gig itself. Sure, the band will have an eye to what time the set is due to wrap at (no bad thing, either – jazz gigs, like mediations, shouldn’t go on ad infinitum), but there’s wonderful scope within that time frame to riff, explore & nuance the music, making it particular to that performance. To quote Messrs Armstrong & Crosby, ‘Now You Has Jazz’.
In mediation, sound advance planning and flexibility of thought often make for ideal companions.