In place of Strife 319 IPOS Mediation
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    It is very important for us to have the views of those who have participated in an IPOS training session or webinar on the quality of the presentation and the ways in which it might be improved. We would be grateful if you could spare a few moments to complete this feedback form.

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Resolving workplace disputes

Wednesday 7 December 2011

According to the Office for National Statistics workers in the UK work longer hours than the European Union national average. The survey, carried out in 2011, highlighted an average working week in the UK is 42.7 hours. Managers in the UK put in on average 46.2 hours, of which 7.6 is unpaid.

Working extra hours that go unpaid or unrewarded can lead to dissatisfaction amongst workers and in some cases can lead to other issues, such as prolonged absenteeism and poor timekeeping.

Workplace disputes can be caused by any number of factors but typically are linked to one of two factors: a grievance, the employee has an issue the company has not satisfactorily resolved or a discipline issue, the employer has an issue with the employee’s conduct or work. They can also stem from personality issues amongst employees, making teamwork difficult, if not impossible.

Workplace Mediation Ground Rules

In a workplace setting disputes can very quickly escalate and both parties can find effective communication difficult. To ensure the situation is effectively managed both parties should ensure they try to discuss their issues as reasonably and calmly as possible. Many employers will have HR professionals who will handle the situation, for employees it is worth noting that representation can be taken into meetings. This could be a union rep, friend or colleague. The representative can speak on the employee’s behalf and can often help diffuse the situation.

Wherever possible handling the situation informally will always be the best approach; formal channels such as a tribunal are costly and emotionally exhausting. In cases where handling the situation in-house is no longer an option, alternative dispute resolution, mediation, may be the answer.

Through professional mediation both parties are able to voice their concerns and state their case. The sessions take place on neutral ground and the mediator, who is trained in communication skills, works with the parties, sometimes together, sometimes separately, to come to a mutually agreeable solution.

It is not the role of the mediator to make a judgement about who is right or wrong, rather their role is to find common ground and resolve the matter in a way that both parties can move on from in a positive way.

If you would like to know more about alternative dispute resolution contact us on 0333 014 4575.


Liz Rivers

View Mediator Profile


Felicity Steadman

View Mediator Profile


David A Evans

View Mediator Profile