In place of Strife 4389 IPOS Mediation
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  • Parties Contact Details

    Please include the main contact to whom we should address all correspondence including our invoices for the mediation fees:

  • Proposed Attendees

    Please include the names and positions of each of the proposed attendees:

  • We will use the information you provide to us to provide the services requested, maintain our records relating to mediation and to send you email communications which we believe will be of interest to you as our client. You will be able to manage which emails you receive or unsubscribe by clicking the link in the footer of the emails we send you. For more information explaining how we use your information please see our Privacy Policy.

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  • This form is confidential to In Place of Strife and the parties to this dispute.

  • Administration

  • Venue

  • The Mediator

  • About you

  • Feedback

    It is very important for us to have the views of those who have participated in an In Place of Strife workshop on the quality of the presentation and the ways in which it might be improved. We would be grateful if you could spare a few moments to complete this feedback form.

  • This form is confidential to IPOS Mediation and the parties to this dispute.

  • Administration

  • Venue

  • The Mediator

  • About you

  • Feedback

    It is very important for us to have the views of those who have participated in an IPOS training session or webinar on the quality of the presentation and the ways in which it might be improved. We would be grateful if you could spare a few moments to complete this feedback form.

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London International Disputes Week Event

Tuesday 11 May 2021

Stepping back from the brink: turning from dispute to settlement. The battle lines are drawn and your client’s case is taking on a life of its own.

  • But what if you want to step off the litigation train and try to settle the case?
  • How do you get your client from “litigation mode” to “settlement mode”?
  • What are the psychological factors in play in a negotiation?
  • What are the roadblocks to settlement and how can you overcome them?
  • And how do you encourage your opponent to think positively about settlement possibilities?

This session, led by an expert in business conflict and four leading mediators with past experience as clients and as instructing solicitors will look at the psychological influences in play, and the tools required, to settle cases.

In addition to signing up for this event, please register for LIDW21 here, which includes 16 virtual sessions
delivered by leading experts in their fields, 4 unmissable keynote addresses by high-profile dispute resolution figures, and many vital opportunities to network with colleagues from around the world. To read more about LIDW21, click here.

Please note that your registration for the above event does not provide access to the LIDW21 conference and related benefits; and, your registration for this event is not conditional on registering for LIDW21, although we strongly encourage such registrations.

The recording of this session can be found here: