In place of Strife 709 IPOS Mediation
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  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

  • Parties Contact Details

    Please include the main contact to whom we should address all correspondence including our invoices for the mediation fees:

  • Proposed Attendees

    Please include the names and positions of each of the proposed attendees:

  • We will use the information you provide to us to provide the services requested, maintain our records relating to mediation and to send you email communications which we believe will be of interest to you as our client. You will be able to manage which emails you receive or unsubscribe by clicking the link in the footer of the emails we send you. For more information explaining how we use your information please see our Privacy Policy.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

  • This form is confidential to In Place of Strife and the parties to this dispute.

  • Administration

  • Venue

  • The Mediator

  • About you

  • Feedback

    It is very important for us to have the views of those who have participated in an In Place of Strife workshop on the quality of the presentation and the ways in which it might be improved. We would be grateful if you could spare a few moments to complete this feedback form.

  • This form is confidential to IPOS Mediation and the parties to this dispute.

  • Administration

  • Venue

  • The Mediator

  • About you

  • Feedback

    It is very important for us to have the views of those who have participated in an IPOS training session or webinar on the quality of the presentation and the ways in which it might be improved. We would be grateful if you could spare a few moments to complete this feedback form.

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Insurance and Reinsurance

The London Market is increasingly recognising the benefits of mediation over the traditional routes of litigation and, more particularly, arbitration. The time, money and effort saved by successful mediation means that IPOS mediators are frequently asked to address a variety of disputes in the insurance market including:

  • coverage issues
  • policy wording disputes
  • policy avoidance issues
  • breach of warranty or breach of condition
  • product liability claims, including product safety and recall
  • professional negligence, especially of insurance brokers
  • property damage
  • business interruption
  • environmental and pollution
  • energy and aviation
  • claims under defective title and restrictive covenant insurance policies
  • directors’ and officers’ claims

You’ll find a list of all IPOS mediators with the relevant experience for your case here. If you’d like to know more about any of them or you’d like to speak to them directly, please contact our Practice Manager, Joanne Claypole, who’ll put you in touch.